Ziel des Moduls
This course introduces the basic principles and concrete technological aspects of industrial water management. The main objective of this course is to give the students a deep insight into management and treatment of boilerand cooling water, principles of watercycles in industry in the context of Production-Integrated Environmental Protection as well as the main technogies for industrial water- and wastewater treatment including physical, chemical and biological methods. The technologies and approaches presented are substantiated with calculation examples during the tutorials. Students acquire the skills to design and calculate the mentioned technological processes. In addition, they get a comprehensive overview about the production-integrated environmental protection measures in different industries. After successful completion of this module, students are capable of: - explaining the boiler and cooling water processes, water quality requirements of different industries and production, - assessing the possibilities for implementation of process-integrated environmental protection measures, - explaining relevant water treatment processes in detail and, furthermore, designing these processes and interpreting them in the context of the special circumstances in industrial production, - developing application possibilities for end-of-pipe solution for industrial wastewater treatment including relevant special treatment approaches (e.g. UASB reactors), - evaluating technological solutions across media, comparing alternatives and benchmarking between processintegrated and end-of-pipe solutions.
Studiengang | Umweltingeniuerwesen Wasserressourcen und Umweltwirtschaft |
Semester | Winter |

30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover