Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management Institute News and Events
Dr.-Ing. Cynthia Caicedo receives the Victor Rizkallah-Foundation Prize

Dr.-Ing. Cynthia Caicedo receives the Victor Rizkallah-Foundation Prize

Dr.-Ing. Cynthia Paola Caicedo Almeida (l.) with supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Regina Nogueira (r.)

Cynthia Paola Caicedo Almeida will be awarded a Victor Rizkallah-Foundation sponsorship prize in November 2019 for her outstanding doctoral thesis on "Legionella Occurrence in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Influence and Interaction with Protozoa".

The Victor Rizkallah-Foundation was founded in 1994 by the university professor Dr.-Ing. Victor Rizkallah and since then has been awarding prizes to young researchers at Leibniz University Hannover for special and practical scientific achievements in various fields, including engineering and natural sciences (see also here).

This award is intended as a recognition of Cynthia Caicedo''s academic work to date and to encourage her to continue her scientific work.

The ISAH congratulates Mrs. Caicedo on this award!