Urban Drainage and Transformation

Research Team Urban Drainage and Transformation

The effects of climate change and the increased demands on water quality resulting from the European Water Framework Directive, among other things, are bringing the research field of urban drainage and urban transformation into the focus of scientific interest.

The research team Urban Drainage and Transformation focuses on the pollution and purification of precipitation water, the control of sewer networks, the integrated consideration of sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants as well as the transformation of urban spaces to better deal with heavy rainfall events and long dry seasons towards the most natural rainwater management possible. Further topics are the optimisation of operational processes, odour pollution resulting from the sewer network and hygiene aspects of the storage and reuse of rainwater.

Current and recently completed projects include the development of a grid-based simulation tool for strategy development in rainwater management, the optimisation of existing road flows and the investigation of the influence of organic matter as well as smart sponge cities and sustainable water management in urban catchment areas.